Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lomography Fisheye

I recently acquired a Lomography Fisheye One.  I loaded this with 400 speed film, which seemed to be about perfect for daytime outdoor photos.  However, I recommend using a faster film if shooting indoors (even with the built in flash).


The focusing distance on this thing is 4cm, so it’s kind of amazing for self shots – you can even cram a couple friends in there with you due to the wide angle view.


I also love that the lens is visible in all the frames.  Rectangles, squares, now circles.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Spring in Analogue–Part 2

Part 2 of Spring’s photos in 35mm.  If it helps beat the summer heat, soak these in and take yourself back to some slightly cooler weather.



Thursday, July 12, 2012

Spring in Analogue–Part 1

I love spring.  Everything is in bloom, it’s a beautiful time to take pictures.

One of my recent photo goals has been to shoot more frames on film and less on digital.  These next 2 weeks, enjoy some of the flowers of May – on 35mm.

