Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I need you!

Before the neediness, I want to let you know that I am currently working on uploading some free Photoshop actions for you!  I was thinking I wanted a bigger set, but I realize now that starting small is a good thing.  I am working on figuring out where to host the files.  Hopefully I can put them on my deviant art account, but it really needs to be updated, so I have some work ahead of me.  Look for the action set in a day or two.

Okay, like the title says, I NEED YOU!

Yesterday, after P-Dub wrote a post about black and white photography, looking for some tips… I wrote a digital guide with some information that I hoped would be useful.  I’ve received such nice comments and emails about it, and even some emails looking for more help – which I’m happy to give.

You may or may not know that I’m in grad school to become a teacher, so teaching photography to others has slowly developed into a huge passion of mine.

With all that in mind, I need ideas for tutorials.  I want to write about what you want to know!  It can be anything from Photoshop to film photography to camera settings to Lomography.  I don’t know everything, but I will research and do my darnedest to help you!

If there’s a topic that has you stumped, or something you want to try, leave me a comment or send an email and I’ll try to post something informational here for you.  Thanks in advance for all your help!

Shasta Betty


  1. In Tennessee we don't get alot of snow. I have trouble with taking pictures of black horses and white snow. Where do you set the exposure? Do you focus on the black horse or the white snow?

  2. This would be a great time to start using HDR photography. Our lens just can't see the entire range of exposures that our eye can see. For more about HDR, see the tutorial I posted here a while ago.
    On another note, I think I will try to get a tutorial up about photographing black animals. I have 3, and there are some tricks for exposure. Good luck!

  3. I am new to all this...but really excited to learn. When editing a picture, what are your steps? I am starting out and would like to focus on newborns, children, & seniors. Lighting/exposure, crop, color pop, skin touch-ups....? So much,to do! Glad I came accross ur site...i will def. bookmark!

  4. Would love to know how to meter! I have read my manual and tried online info but I just don't get it. Maybe you could write a "dummies way to metering"

  5. I could definately do a dummies guide to in camera metering... that will most likely by one of my next projects...
    Thanks for all the suggestions, I will start working on new stuff asap. You guys are awesome!
